Acts 9:18 English Standard Version And immediately something like scales fell from his eyes, and he regained his sight. Then he rose and was baptized; The scales from Saul here representing the sinner, the carnal nature, the flesh, the pride of life, the lust of flesh, the lust of the eyes and so on. Scales representing Carnality, intellectual ability, physique, qualifications, and wealth. We carry on in life with these scales in our eyes. Refusing to see ourselves and the world through God’s eyes. Our vision is blurred by these scales. Its unfortunate that we live with these scales disallowing us live like we should. We follow the crowd cause this scales don’t let us see beyond that. We do what everyone else does because its world ‘culture’ and who are we to break ‘em? We’re more focused on how we look so we don’t let love lead us to see the kid on the streets wearing no clothes. We are on a quest for fame, wealth and acceptance so its easy not to notice those who are on ...
Hey youths, my name is Teenella. I designed this blog to uplift all christian youths out there who are dealing with discrimination, lack of self-confidence, personality problems and other social issues. My blog is also aimed at educating youths socially, mentally, spiritually, emotionally and politically. I welcome you to a journey into my life, to see how I deal with the obstacles that come my way as well as issues that affect christian youths all over the world.