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Showing posts from August 14, 2019

Being Comfortable In Your Own Skin

Song: Through Your Eyes by Britt Nicole, Work of Art by Britt Nicole. “There’s a lot of things I would change if I could go back, back to the day of creation.” I used to be pretty convinced God made some errors while molding me and omitted some important parts lol. It didn’t help to constantly feel like everyone else had a better body shape, personality and disposition. So even if God handed me the paint brush to color my imperfections out I wouldn’t be sure how to do it- fatter or thinner? taller or shorter? It took years to be anything close to being comfortable in my own body. Years filled with ups and down. I would look in the mirror, feel good and the minute I walked out every piece of self-confidence would ooze out. I hated my body. And I hated the fact that I hated my body. I couldn’t understand why I just couldn’t be like everyone else. Why couldn’t I be free and walk, jump and move like I wasn’t a heavy baggage?    “You alone created my inner...