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Being Comfortable In Your Own Skin

Song: Through Your Eyes by Britt Nicole, Work of Art by Britt Nicole.

“There’s a lot of things I would change if I could go back, back to the day of creation.” I used to be pretty convinced God made some errors while molding me and omitted some important parts lol. It didn’t help to constantly feel like everyone else had a better body shape, personality and disposition. So even if God handed me the paint brush to color my imperfections out I wouldn’t be sure how to do it-fatter or thinner? taller or shorter?

It took years to be anything close to being comfortable in my own body. Years filled with ups and down. I would look in the mirror, feel good and the minute I walked out every piece of self-confidence would ooze out. I hated my body. And I hated the fact that I hated my body. I couldn’t understand why I just couldn’t be like everyone else. Why couldn’t I be free and walk, jump and move like I wasn’t a heavy baggage?

   “You alone created my inner being. You knitted me together inside my mother. I will give thanks to you because I have been so amazingly and miraculously made. Your works are miraculous and I’m fully aware of this.” – Psalm 139:13-14

Step one: Recognize the problem

You have to realise that a lack of self-confidence is an issue. Not realizing how amazing you are or just generally feeling weird or total discomfort in your own body. For me, it caused me to be unhealthily reserved, and a great inability to communicate and associate with my peers. This may not be the case for you. Perhaps you constantly loathe others and find you easily make mean remarks concerning them. This too could be a side effect of not being comfortable in your own skin.

Step two: Be willing to solve the issue

coming this far in accepting who I am, started with the resolve to change. Having understood that my lack of self-confidence was a major issue that affected my life and would continue to do so, I was determined to do something about it. This decisiveness led to reading many articles relating to confidence.

Step three: Make positive affirmations

You may not believe yet, but say it. Look in the mirror and say: I am beautiful, wonderfully made, intelligent and talented. I don’t believe one day of saying this would totally solve the issue. Nahhh! Make it a daily ritual till it becomes a part of you. I find people saying I’m pretty not as convincing as when I believe it myself. So yeah, say it till you believe it. Which you will by the grace of God. Read scriptures on what God has to say concerning you, your body and personality. Agree or not, it does help.

“Above all else guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”- Proverbs 4:23

Step three: Beware of what you listen to

Negative words like positive play an important role. They have the power to take root in your heart and cloud your thinking. Form a habit of listening to uplifting podcasts, reading articles, stories that motivate you. Disentangle from friends that make you feel inferior, generally desist from believing negative words people say to you.

Step Four: Get immersed in doing something you love

I love reading, writing, listening to music. Find what you love and submerge yourself in it. Engage in a productive activity. Go for walks. Do something that calms and soothes you. Do things like volunteering to work for a good cause, assist in launching a program, be part of a team. When you start working towards a goal, your mind becomes less occupied with negative thoughts on yourself and you become less self-aware. Plus, the added advantage of learning to socialize. It all takes time but be willing to do it.

Step five: Go on a self-discovery journey and find what works for you

Take time to learn more about yourself. What you’re good at and not. What works for A may not work for B. you can develop a method that’ll help you grow into loving and appreciating yourself more.

These words never fail to uplift me: God made you with care, love and beauty on His mind. The way you are, the way your body is shaped, every detail and feature was made to perfectly fit God’s purpose for you. so whatever it is you think you don’t have, you don’t need. You don’t need to be taller or shorter, fairer or darker, fatter or thinner. You need to be YOU.

Embrace the beauty within and outside you and cheers to being comfortable in your skin.


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