I failed not because i want to.
I failed not because the society was bad.
I failed not because the economy was crumbling.
I failed not because my parent had no money.
Failure being one of the most used adjective is usually used to describe under performance and inability to meet up as expected to a particular task, but we ourselves fail to realize that failure is not just a disappointment but a CHANCE.
We all have different definition to describe failure but i define it as a SECOND CHANCE
A second chance to rise.
A second chance to think.
A second chance to realize.
A second chance to WIN.
I failed not because i want to, but i failed just because i had to go back to identify with me mistake and make an advantage over it.
We all have and are still having our own fair share of failure in some areas, we all have and are also suffering from the discrimination attached to it but we miss out on a simple and clear fact that.
FAILURES ARE NOT THOSE THAT FAILS AND START AGAIN BUT FAILURES ARE THOSE THAT FAILS AND RUN AWAYDon't see it as negative, don't look at it as rubbish, don't even talk to it as if that's the end, instead see it as a chance, a chance to go back, plan, analyze, identify and become that success you want. Success are created from series of fails but we tend to cover it all up and say "I just did it and it worked." but we ourselves know the series of fails we passed through to achieve that success we claim.
Don't look down on failure.
Don't mock failure.
Don't criticize that disappointment.
Support it!
Encourage it!
Train it! And see it become that success you want.
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